Welcome to Scarlet Queen: A Bombalurina fansite. I'm your host Catwoman, from Catwoman's Jellicle Junkyard.
I am a huge fan of CATS the musical and cats. Bombalurina wa originally my favourite character because of her sexy attitude.
I then went onto each character seeing how great each one was. So every character is equally inportant to me. Now, Bombalurina
is once again my favourite character. She will forever rock!
This site is going to tell and show you all about her. There are videos, fanart, costume, fanfics, info and pictures.
If you would like to donate anything (fanart, costumes or fanfics) please e-meow me and I'll post them. If you want
anything with your name (email, site ect) please let me know and I'll put them with your fanart/fics/costumes.
Below is a chat-box. Type your name or nickname and then you can leave a message or chat with people. Don't forget to
sign the guestbook.